Computer ethics: Lecture videos

Slides and lecture videos from the SIL861 course on Applied Ethics in Computer Science, conducted during August-November 2021, are available here.
  • Module 1a: What is computer ethics: Slides
  • Examples of technology fallouts to motivate the question of ethics in technology design and managementOrganization of the lecture contentsWhat makes computers different: Invisibility, logical malleability, scale, informatization

    Sources of complexity: Many hands, bugs, attributing fault and causation, liabilityRelevance of democracy: Ethics, law, citizen participation, learning about a pluralistic society, structural inequalitiesPolitical economy of technology: Capitalism, worker control, de-skilling, population control, democracy

  • Module 1b: Normative ethical theories: Slides
  • Consequentialism, Kantianism, Social contract, Virtue ethics, application of these theories to build principles

  • Module 1c: Ethics needed in the contemporary context: Slides
    Part 1: Technologists as political actors, supporting aspirations, social good, power-weak, oppressedPart 2: Marxist humanism, post-colonial and subaltern lenses 

  • Module 2a: Ethics of user interface design: Slides
  • Dark patterns, persuasive design, norm shaping, action triggers

  • Module 2b: Ethics of data and privacy design: Slides
    Part 1: Different notions of privacy, data protection laws, surveillancePart 2: K-anonymity, differential privacy, blind signatures, private communication

  • Module 2c: Ethics of algorithms and AI: Slides
  • Part 1: Web search, feedback loops, news feeds, fairness in machine learningPart 2: Fairness in machine learningPart 3: Algorithmic auditing, explainability of machine learning models

    Part 4: Human in the loop systems, critical look at algorithms  

  • Module 2d: Ethics of system design: Slides
  • Part 1: Langdon Winner – Do artifacts have politicsPart 2: Facets of power, how technology shapes power relationshipsPart 3: More examples of technology as shaping power relationships, the system thinking approach

  • Module 2e: Ethics of management of technology systems: Slides
    Part 1: Management of the design process, management of the deployment, user participation in the management processPart 2: A/B testing, open societies, assumptions under which open societies can be realized 

  • Module 3a: Design methods for ensuring responsible use and outcomes from technology: Slides
    Part 1: Different design methods and their underlying ethicsPart 2: Participatory design, challenges in participation, action research 

  • Module 3b: Influence of organizational structure and culture: Slides
  • Barriers within organizations to upholding ethical principles while designing and managing technology, scope for workers to hold their organizations accountable through collective action

  • Module 3c: Role of the political economy of technology: Slides
  • Part 1: Surveillance capitalism, state surveillance, worker control and exploitationPart 2: Critical look at social media, neo-liberalism, scope of collective action, limits of regulationPart 3: Counter movements, platform cooperatives, digital commons, rebel technology, appropriate technology